» Fixed Fenders » Composite Rubber Fender » Trapezium Type Composite Fenders(120×120×62)

Trapezium Type Composite Fenders(120×120×62)

Product Name: Trapezium Type Composite Fenders

Product Type: Rubber Fenders, Fixed Fenders, Composite Fenders

Product Model: 120×120×62

Key Words: Rubber Fenders, Fixed Fenders, Composite Fenders, Trapezium Type Composite Fenders

  • Description

Trapezium type composite fenders have only four standard dimensions. The model 120×120×62 is the second largest standard size for trapezium type composite fenders with the width and height of 120mm and the inner diameter of 62mm.

As all the other composite fenders, trapezium type composite fenders can be regarded as the combination of two parts. The trapezium rubber fender is the the part used as cushion to absorb impacts and the UHMW-PE face pad is the contact part. Every part has its unique function.

To provide high quality products, the trapezium type composite fenders are manufactured with high-quality rubber materials. The elastomeric materials result in the excellent performance on energy absorption of the trapezium type composite fenders. The UHMW-PE face pad are vulcanized into the composite fenders as inseparable one to help reduce the friction between the contact faces of the berthing vessels and structures.

The trapezium type composite fenders are pre-drilled with anchoring holes. Those holes are designed to make the composite fenders easier to install. And the buyers can save a lot by taking this installation method.

Trapezium Type Composite Fenders Drawing and Dimensions:

120 120 62 12


  • Low friction
  • Easy to install and replace
  • Reasonable energy absorption
  • Best alternative for bumpers with wear resistance and low friction properties


  • Applicable for barges, tug boats
  • Ports , quays, piers etc.
  • Suitable for workboats, barges
  • Pontoons, water locks

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