» Fixed Fenders » Pi Type Fender » Pi (π) Rubber Fenders (π1000, π1250, π1400)

Pi (π) Rubber Fenders (π1000, π1250, π1400)

Product Name: Pi (π) Rubber Fenders

Product Type: Rubber Fenders, Fixed Fenders

Product Models: π1000, π1250, π1400

Key Words: Pi Rubber Fenders, Rubber Fenders, Fixed Fenders, Element Fenders

  • Description

With the development of economy, business exchanges have become more and more prosperous. And large bulk delivery requires for larger ships. Pi rubber fenders are designed for larger ships which are manufactured to be larger in volume with the same weight. This has greatly reduced the hull pressure, so that the ships and the dock structures can be well protected.

Pi rubber fender unit is designed as the italic “I” letter in profile. Usually two fender units and a frontal panel can consist of an effective rubber fender system which looks like a “π”. They are normally installed onto the dock structures either vertically or horizontally. Some docks fender designers will even select a long frontal panel to be mounted with several Pi rubber fender units to increase the performance of this fender system.

Because of the design purpose, Pi rubber fenders are especially suitable for large wharves. However, such a robust fender structure should be used for wider applications, and various standard sizes of Pi rubber fenders are designed. π1000, π1250, π1400 are middles sizes of standard Pi rubber fenders. Many areas are equipped with those fenders for their excellent performance.

Years of applications proves the excellent performance of Pi rubber fenders in protecting the ships and dock structures. Pi rubber fenders possess incredibly good physical properties such as low reaction force and high energy absorption. With resistant rubber material, the simple designed rubber fender showcased its robustness and long service life. Pi rubber fenders have become the most appropriate fender solutions in many areas.

For more information and detailed standard sizes of Pi rubber fenders, please Click Here.

Pi (π) Rubber Fenders Drawing and Dimensions:


Model H K M N S S1
Π1000 1000 700 550 75 2000 600
Π1250 1250 800 650 75 2450 850
Π1400 1400 900 730 85 2700 900
Model L=1000 L=1500 L=2000 L=2500
P n Q P n Q P n Q P n Q
Π1000~Π1400 700 1 150 600 2 150 850 2 150 700 3 200

Performance List of Pi Rubber Fenders:

Model Rated Deflection(%) Performance
R(KN) Tolerance(%) E(KN/M) Tolerance(%)
Π1000 50 646.8 ±10 268.5 ±10
Π1250 808.5 419.4
Π1400 905.5 525.3


  • Resistant and robust
  • Especially low hull pressure
  • Various and wide applications
  • Especially suitable for large wharves
  • Low maintenance and long lifespan
  • High energy absorption and low reaction force

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