» Boat Fenders/ Yacht Fenders » Dock Edging Fenders

Dock Edging Fenders

Product Name: Dock Edging Fenders

Product Type: Boat Fenders/ Dock Fenders

Key Words: Dock Fenders, Dock Edging Fenders, Premium Dock Edging Fenders

  • Description

Dock Edging Fenders

Dock edging fenders can provide maximum protection to the side and the top of the dock as well as for your boat. The dock edging fenders have two types differentiated from profiles. One is straight type dock edging fender, the other one is corner type dock edging fender. Both of them are made from high quality marine vinyl and designed to be easily attached to metal or wooden docks. Vinyl is a color fast material and will not mark or scuff your boat hull. Anti-microbial technology provides continuous protection for the entire life of the product. This type is a resistant heavy duty dock fender, which deserves its popularity.

Premium Dock Edging Fenders

Premium dock edging fenders have the similar profiles with dock edging fenders. Both of them are attached to docks to prevent boats from damage. Premium dock edging fenders manufactured form the same exceptionally strong UV stabilized, non-marking PVC material. This type fender has embeded an air valve which can adjust the air pressure for different applications. The never-left-behind anti-microbial technology also applied, aiming to providing continuous protection for the life of the product.

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