» Fixed Fenders » Delta Fender » Delta Fenders(110×100)

Delta Fenders(110×100)

Product Name: Delta Fenders

Product Type: Rubber Fenders, Fixed Fenders

Product Models: 110×100

Key Words: Rubber Fenders, Fixed Fenders, Delta Fenders, Extruded Fenders

  • Description

Delta fenders our factory manufactured have four standard sizes. The model 110×100 of delta fender is already the second largest standard size of delta fenders. Among all the fixed fenders, delta fender is one of the smallest fenders in standard sizes. And also because of the property, the delta fenders can be used in many extreme conditions as secondary protection system.

Delta fenders are manufactured with the wear-resistant and high-quality rubber materials. Deshalb, the delta fenders are strong and robust and can serve for a long time. What’s more, the reinforced delta fenders can provide high energy absorption and low reaction force.

Even though the delta fenders are comparatively small, the fenders can usually play an important role in protecting the vessels and the dock structures. All the delta fenders can also be pre-drilled with holes that are used to install. This easy way of installation has been chosen by many customers.

Delta Fenders Drawing and Dimensions:

A(Mm) B(Mm) C(Mm) D(Mm) E(Mm) F(Mm) Bolt size
110 100 64 68 30 15 M12


  • High energy absorption
  • Various shapes and dimensions
  • Easy to install and replace
  • Long lifespan
  • Low reaction force

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    We are an export company of marine equipment and offshore equipment. We have established a complete supply chain and cooperated with large group of customers all over the world. We can provide the best products with the lowest price.


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    Arbeitszeit: 8:30-17:30(China)
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